Earn up to $3000 for every homeowner referral*
Receive up to $3,000 once their home is live on our platform for 30 days;
They’ll receive a management partner with best-in-class care and maximized rental income.
It’s a win-win.

The Roav Retreats Difference
More Revenue
Our homes outperform peers by 20%+
Full Reach
Tailored revenue management on 12+ top booking sites
Peace of Mind
Local care with 24/7 owner and guest support
The Roav Retreats Referral Program is only eligible to persons with a U.S. tax identification number who refer a homeowner that (a) signs a Roav Retreats vacation rental management agreement with a term of at least one year, and (b) Roav Retreats has the property listed on its website for at least 30 days, where the subject property is located in a state that permits payment of referral fees to unlicensed persons.
If eligible, the referrer will receive up to $3,000 USD depending on the size and scale of the property and local market, paid via ACH or check after receiving a W9 and other requested information. Please allow for 3-6 weeks from the date the referred home becomes eligible for processing.